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2000 Palazzo Bolagnos Viani Visconti di Modrone a Milano

Facciata di palazzo Bolagnos Viani Visconti di Modrone, Milano (crediti fotografici: Maria Mascione)

M. Mascione, «Palazzo Bolagnos Viani Visconti di Modrone a Milano», Arte Lombarda, n.129, 2000/2, 48-59.

Storia delle vicende costruttive di palazzo Bolagnos, Viani, Visconti di Modrone, tra le più importanti residenze settecentesche di Milano.

Nel saggio si approfondisce la storia del palazzo e di coloro che lo abitarono attraverso fonti bibliografiche e documenti d’archivio.


Palazzo Bolagnos is one of the most important — but least studied — aristocratic residences in eighteenth century in Milan. Thanks to numerous archival documents, the essay re-examines three centuries of complex transfers of property and architectural transformations.

Fundamental moments in these vicissitudes were the transformations and acquisitions of the Bolagnos family in the first half of the eighteenth century; the important work commissioned in by Giuseppe Viani in the second half of the century; the restoration by Alfredo Campanini architect at the beginning of the nineteenth century and the reconstruction by the Visconti di Modrone (plan by Luigi Caligaris engineer) after the Second World War.

Palazzo Bolagnos was erected by uniting and giving a new configuration to several buildings already present in the Cervietta area (the Pieni, Banfi and Figini family houses).

Through its urban location and the articulation of its internal spaces, it opens a way into understanding the social role of its proprietors and the evolution of the habits of the Milan aristocracy.

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